Sunday, September 2, 2012

Hello, so today I went and bought a couple Molly books at the book store! Her story just captivates me and since I want to be a WW2 historian this is right up my ally, in fact it was the American Girl historical books that got me into history I believe. So I have read all the Molly books when I was younger (great starter chapter books for second or third graders) and I decided to go back and reread them as a  high school-er, I am am not surprised that they are just as great as I remember them! What I love about American Girl books is that they really do a great job of transporting you into the characters world and I think that plays a big roll of my captivation for the books. These books (all ag books) help keep girls well grounded and insistent for their age witch I believe is a great and unique thing that is very hard to find in companies. I think that this world and society pusses girls to grow up to fast and makes it seem not normal for girls over 9 to play with dolls(i am a teen and still love and play with my AG dolls!), don't be ashamed of it! Anyway I am loving going back and rereading and would love for you to do the same!:)